Celebrating Energy Awareness Month with Stasis Energy Group! |
Stasis Energy Group is a southern California-based start-up company that develops building-scale thermal energy storage systems (TESS) for commercial HVAC systems. The company targets packaged roof-top units that provide heating and air conditioning to most of California’s buildings. TESS acts like a thermal battery, charging during normal daily air conditioning in the summer cooling season and discharging during the late-afternoon and costly peak demand periods.
Recent awards from the CA Energy Commission include CalSEED Concept, CalSEED Prototype, and CalTestBed. In 2021 they began work on a CEC BRIDGE Project for a state-wide, multiple-site demonstration and deployment project. Their system targets significant cost savings with a less than five-year simple payback and robust greenhouse gas mitigation. "We are proud to celebrate Energy Awareness month with WET Center," says Stasis Energy Group President, Rob Morton.
Learn more about Stasis Energy Group here.
U.S. Department of Energy Awards $200K to Valley Ventures Alumni, All Power Labs! |
After recently participating in the Water, Energy, and Technology Center (WET) Center’s Valley Ventures Accelerator program, All Power Labs (APL)
was awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for their renewable energy submission in the amount of $200K by the U.S. Department of Energy. “We are very excited and proud to be recipients of an SBIR award the SBIR program is a highly competitive and crucial part of America's funding for innovation in the small business world,” said APL Grants Manager, Justin Knapp. Learn more about All Power Labs here.
Learn more about All Power Labs here! |
California Energy Commission - Bringing Rapid Innovation Development to Green Energy, Round 4
Deadline: October 8
Advancing Cost and Efficiency Improvements for Low Carbon Hydrogen Production
Deadline: October 10
WaterSMART Grants: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants for Fiscal Year 2022
Deadline: November 3
Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
Deadline: November 3
Check out the California State Grants Portal for
more funding opportunities!
UC Davis Venture Catalyst launches a new small business development program focused on Agtech and Biotech
USDA Invests $700 Million to Provide Relief to Small Producers, Processors, Distributors Farmers Markets and Seafood Processing Vessels and Processors Impacted by COVID-19
Hago Energetics Awarded $750K in Nasa Competition to Convert Carbon Dioxide into Sugar
U.S. Department of Energy Announces More Than $64 Million for Biofuels Research to Reduce Transportation Emission
WET Center wins SBA Growth Accelerator Growth Fund Prize of $50K
U.S. Department of Energy Seeks Clean Energy and Manufacturing Innovators for Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Program

Check out CalAgJobs for
job postings!

Want to learn about our
Valley Ventures accelerator?
Check out our cohorts here!

Bakersfield | Chico | Fresno | Humboldt | Monterey Bay | Sacramento | Truckee

October is Energy Awareness Month

BoxPower is nominated for a 2021 Solar Builder Project of the Year Award
Verdi pitching at TechCrunch Disrupt 2021
Are you a WET member? Have a success story you want to share? Email us to be featured in the newsletter.

This edition of the WET Center's monthly newsletter is proudly sponsored by Stasis Energy Group.
