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November 2017
In this issue:
  • Leafhooper Resistant Alfalfa Varieties for NY
  • Anaerobic Digestion Shortcourse
  • Air Emissions Reporting
  • Save the Date!

Leafhopper Resistant Alfalfa Varieties for NY Farms

Potato leafhoppers (LH) migrate into New York each year and can be a serious threat to second and later harvest of alfalfa, negatively affecting crop yield, forage quality and stand longevity if not controlled.

J. Hansen, D. Viands, and J. Lawrence from Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section and Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY have released a Leafhopper Resistant Alfalfa Varieties fact sheet.

Control measures include:

  • spraying with a labeled insecticide,
  • harvesting early,
  • and planting a potato leafhopper-resistant (LH-R) alfalfa variety.

Potato leafhopper resistant alfalfa varieties were first commercially available in 1998. Since then improvements in yield and LH-R levels have been made by plant breeders.

A LH-R alfalfa variety should have resistance to LH yellowing and LH stem stunting. However, some varieties have more resistance to LH stem stunting than to LH yellowing. Also, LH-R alfalfa varieties have 85+% resistance to LH, but the resistance is not in 100% of the plants in a field. Thus, some symptoms of damage will be apparent in every field, but the LH-R varieties will have significantly less yellowing and be taller than conventional alfalfa.

Generally, LH-R alfalfa will not need to be sprayed with insecticide, even in the seeding year. In 2011, K. Waldron sampled one replication of a trial planted in 2010. In this trial there were 4 LHR varieties and 7 conventional varieties.

On the conventional alfalfa varieties, the LH laid many eggs that hatched into nymphs and the nymphal feeding damage severely stunted the plants.

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Anaerobic Digestion Shortcourse

December 12 – 14, 2017
Cornell University, Morrison Hall, Ithaca, NY

Operating Manure-Based Anaerobic Digestion Systems to Maximize Environmental and Economic Benefits

This one-half day, full day, one-half day conference provides participants the latest information on practical digester management and decision making backed up with science and engineering to maximize economic and environmental benefits including a greenhouse gas mitigation and monetization. After an opening White Board Session, general session topics include:

  • Anaerobic Digestions Constraints and Opportunities
  • Biogas Production and Monitoring
  • Biogas Clean-up
  • Biogas Utilization – Traditional Methods and
  • RNG/Vehicle Fuel Replacement
  • Anaerobic Digestion and Greenhouse Gas Reduction/Value
  • Anaerobic Digester System and Operator Safety

Visit the event website for a complete agenda and details. Space is limited in the shortcourse so early pre-registration is recommended. The event targets anaerobic digester system operators and designers, digester system service providers, farmers, consulting engineers, extension specialists, greenhouse gas investors, and local, state and government officials. Core funding for this conference is provided by the New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA), the USDA Dairy CAP project, and Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY.

Air Emissions Reporting

PRO-DAIRY has released a number of alerts regarding CERCLA and EPCRA Reporting Requirements for Air Emissions. In the most recent Air Emissions Alert, the EPA announced "No reporting is required until the Court issues its order, or mandate, enforcing the April 11, 2017, decision."

Save the Date

Calf and Heifer Congress
December 6 - 7, 2017
Doubletree by Hilton, East Syracuse, NY

Cow Comfort Conference
February 6 - 7, 2018
Holiday Inn, Liverpool, NY

Northeast Dairy Producers Conference
March 7 - 8, 2018
Holiday Inn, Liverpool, NY

Herd Health and Nutrition Conference
April 10, 2018
Doubletree by Hilton, East Syracuse, NY


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