June 2019 WMCA E-Newsletter
Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association
Monthly Newsletter
THE TWO STEP SHUFFLE If you’ve ever spent time on You-Tube searching for videos of the Two-Step Shuffle, you will see that there are many, many versions of basically the same dance all going forward, sideways then back and basically in circles. It seems when it comes to getting legislation passed, it is similar to the two- step shuffle! Your Legislative Communications and Advocacy Committee has been busy trying to get AB203/SB193 passed. We’ve made some strides in the process as both the Assembly and Senate Committees have held a public hearing followed by Executive Committee Sessions in which the bills were recommended from both sides. We are asking our Legislators to schedule it for a full vote so that it can go to the Governor as soon as possible. However, we are hearing that they may want to hold off until the Fall session as they are wrestling with adopting the budget. WEC has informed us they will need at least 6-9 months of lead-time to get their work done, as it will be absorbed into their regular course of work. The bill also requires municipalities to take steps with their elected bodies including writing an operational security plan and adopting a resolution as well as 90 day notice requirements to the county and state. Considering this, we believe 9 months will be the minimum amount of time necessary for the state, counties and municipalities all to accomplish their planning processes. Therefore, we really do need our Legislators to act now versus waiting until the Fall. Please reach out to your Legislators to encourage them to speak to their leadership in the Assembly and Senate to move the bill forward now so that a solution can be ready for implementation in the Spring. The Presidential Primary is going to be HUGE!
YES, I WILL! This year’s Athenian Dialogue featuring the book “Year of Yes” by Shonda Rhimes is already full. Without spoiling too much of the book, it chronicles Shonda’s year in which she turns her usual “no” response into a “yes” and the outstanding direction it takes both her career and life. If you were not able to participate, I would encourage you to put this easy read book on your list of great summer reads. Then set aside those feelings of shyness or self-doubt and try saying yes to all of the opportunities that come your way. Say yes to opportunities to engage socially, professionally and in your relationships. Push through those feelings of being uncomfortable or awkward and open yourself up to the challenge. The moment of opportunity is upon us all to say yes, I will.
BLIND PIG, BLIND TIGER OR SPEAKEASY These were slang terms used to refer to an illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages during the Prohibition era. To keep the police at bay and gain entry, the patron would need to have the secret password, which was learned through word of mouth. It has been one hundred years since the ratification of prohibition, which lasted over 13 long and tumultuous years. It is only fitting that we acknowledge our past while celebrating our annual educational conference in fun, Speakeasy, 20’s style. Wednesday night’s presidential reception will be a Speakeasy Juice Joint! Show up in your casual party clothes (flapper/gangster style, encouraged but optional). To get in, be sure to ask a Conference Committee member for the secret password when you check in at the conference, then speak it softly at the entrance to get in the door. Thursday’s banquet will be a 20’s themed dress up affair in Great Gadsby glitzy style (optional) while we celebrate the accomplishments of your fellow Clerks and hear about the direction our new President plans to take us in the coming year. District Directors will be hosting tables in a competitive but fun evening of showy pageantry from the era of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval, and glitzy excess. Be sure to join the party as we welcome our new family of Clerks, cheer for our many accomplishments and recognize our fellow Clerk friends on their successes over the past year.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT Going to conferences can be very difficult for those with food allergies and restricted diets! Unfortunately, I know this all too well. We often see the food served at conferences end up the topic of discourse for the “after conference” surveys as well. I wanted to take a brief moment to explain the limited menu options when using the state rates. You would not believe that the state rate is over $23 per person while the regular menu rate is closer to $48. We utilize the state rates, because we want to keep our costs down for the benefit of our membership. Of course, this means the menu options are limited so we do our best in making the meal selections. Our hotel partners have usually been responsive in providing specialized meals to address allergies and restrictions such as gluten, shellfish, dairy, peanuts, etc. However, it has been my experience that it can be a dice roll, especially when it comes to the break-time snacks. If this is something you have struggled with in the past, do yourself a favor and bring some of your favorite diet restricted snacks or drinks with you to the conference. I’ve done this for many years as no one wants to be around a hangry Clerk. #SorryNotSorry!
President Kelly Michaels WCMC/CMC
Meet Your New Leaders

The following qualified members applied for the Board of Director positions of 2nd Vice President; Director-at-Large; Treasurer and Secretary. There were no competing members running for the same offices, therefore these members are declared the winners by acclamation for their 2019-2020 positions.

Sara Bruckman
2nd Vice President |
My name is Sara Bruckman and I am the Village Clerk for the Village of Shorewood in Milwaukee County. I have been blessed with an amazing and supportive group of staff and co-workers. The best part of being a clerk in urban setting is the amazing support and involvement from the community.
I started in Municipal Government in 2011 as a Clerk/Typist for the Village of Greendale and within a short time was promoted to Utility Clerk. I enjoyed answering phones, handling taxes, and assisting with election related items. After a retirement in 2014, I was promoted to Deputy Clerk. In 2016 I took the leap to become the Clerk for the City of Delafield and at the end of 2017 I accepted the Clerk position in the Village of Shorewood.
Since I started in Municipal Government I have had the chance to learn and grow from some amazing mentors. These people have provided the key to success and the support to continue with education and advancement. It is a vital part of the WMCA to continually provide that support and education factor, in which I am a strong advocate for. I graduated from the UWGB Clerk’s and Treasurers Institute in 2017 and was also a member of the Advisory Board. I am currently the Wisconsin Municipal Clerk’s Director at Large and President for the Metro Municipal Clerk’s Association; which is an organization to improve local governmental administration in southeastern Wisconsin through local Municipal Clerks. I look forward to serving as your 2nd Vice President while supporting the continuous growth of the Municipal Clerk position.
For fun, I enjoy volunteering, cooking and event planning. While am not working, I am spending time with my husband Brandon and our three children; Hannah 17, Emma 13 and Calvin 6.
Jill Kenda-Lubetski
Director-at-Large |
My name is Jill Kenda-Lubetski and I am seeking the office of Director-At-Large. I initially started my career as the Deputy Clerk for the Village of Brown Deer (Milwaukee County) in 1998. I immediately joined the WMCA and attended a few district meetings and also some local Metro Municipal Clerk Association meetings in southeastern Wisconsin. Our former Treasurer told me that I REALLY needed to attend the "Institute". I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about; however, in 2003, I made my reservation and was tagged "Jilly Bean". It was one of the better decisions I have made in my career in municipal government. I love my job, the educational opportunities afforded to us, and have met some pretty amazing people along the way!
When our Village Manager/Clerk resigned in 2012, he recommended to our Village Board that I fill the position of Village Clerk. I am completing my term as a District 5 Co-Director, represented the WMCA in an abbreviated term as a Director-At-Large in 2016-2017 , served on the Milwaukee Conference Committee three times, the llMC Milwaukee Conference Committee, and been on the Scholarship Committee for 13 years, currentlyserving as the Chairperson. Attending Board of Directors meetings the past few years has inspired me to continue to be involved with the WMCA. I would like to share my experience and the Director-At-Large position is the perfect opportunity to continue to play a role in that effort. I will do my absolute best to represent the Clerk's profession and the WMCA membership.
If I am not working, I am probably spending time with my husband, Alan, and our dalmatian puppy, Lambeau, at our cottage in St. Germain.

Brenda Ayers
My name is Brenda Ayers and I seeking the office of WMCA Treasurer for a third term. Prior to becoming Treasurer I served as a Director-at-Large in 2015-2016. I am currently the Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer for the Town of Burke. I have been a municipal Clerk/Treasurer for eighteen years. In August I will celebrate my eleven year anniversary at Burke. Prior to my current position I was a Clerk/Treasurer in the Village of Dane and Town of Lodi. My Associate’s Degree in Accounting and six years of experience on the WMCA Finance Committee give me a solid foundation to serve as Treasurer. In addition to my experience with the WMCA, I serve on the Board of Directors of the DeForest-Windsor Area Chamber and was a member of its Finance Committee. During my first term as Treasurer, I worked with Faith and the Finance Committee to establish the WMCA Accounting Policies and Procedure Manual. Over the years the WMCA has made a lot of progress in the handling of the finances of the organization and I would like to continue to play a role in that effort.
Angie Cain
Secretary |
name is Angie Cain and I have been the Town Clerk for the Town of Grand
Chute for 1 year and was previously the Deputy Clerk for almost 9
years. Prior to working for Grand Chute, I was the Deputy Clerk for the City of Neenah for two years. With
almost 12 years of Clerk experience, I have learned that attending
educational opportunities are very important as the laws are always
want to continue to grow with WMCA, from previously being a District 7
Co-Director for one term to currently running for Secretary for my
second term. I believe in networking with other clerks to share ideas and experiences. I also believe in all of the educational opportunities that WMCA brings its members. I
have served on several committees such as the Promotions Committee,
Conference Committee, Certification Committee, and the Professional
Education Committee. I would like to encourage those who haven’t participated to get involved with this great organization.
In my spare time, I enjoy traveling and working on my side travel business. Within the last year, I have traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Cozumel, Punta Cana, Bahamas, and Las Vegas. During the summer, I love to go camping with my family at our permanent site in Farmer Gene’s Campground in Marion, WI.
IIMC congratulates the following individual who has earned the prestigious Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC):
Elena Hilby, CMC - City Clerk - City of Sun Prairie, WI - ehilby@cityofsunprairie.com
The Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) is one of the two professional designations granted by IIMC and is designed to enhance the job performance of the Clerk in small and large municipalities. To earn the CMC designation, a Municipal Clerk must attend extensive education programs often totaling more than 120 educational hours. The CMC designation also requires pertinent experience in a municipality. The CMC program prepares the applicants to meet the challenges of the complex role of the Municipal Clerk by providing them with quality education in partnership with institutions of higher learning, as well as State/Provincial/National Associations.
Calling All
Committee Members!!
Have you responded to Diane Coenen's email asking if you want to remain on the committee you served on in 2018-2019 for another year?
Diane asks that you please let her know whether your answer is yes or no by June 30th. Thanks. |
Issue #6
June 2019
Happy First Day of Summer!!
Have You Registered for the 2019 Conference Yet?
Registration information is out for our 39th Annual WMCA Conference in Middleton.
You can download the paper brochure here OR
Click here to go to the Conference website to read all about it and register on-line.
The Athenian Dialogue is already full. So you don't want to wait long to sign up for the classes you want, especially on Thursday, to get the breakouts you want.
Need a Scholarship for the 2019 Conference? |
The WCEF Committee is ready to award $8,160 in scholarships to attend the 2019 Annual Conference in Madison! This year’s scholarship amount is $340. It will cover your early bird registration fee and 50% of your hotel expense. ALL WMCA members are eligible to apply for a scholarship. You can click here to go to the on-line application or click here to download a paper copy.
Please remember that there are requirements to meet to be considered for the scholarship (such as timeliness/deadlines and completeness of the application.) AND requirements to meet once you are at the conference (such as attendance at classes and events). Make sure that you read the instructions carefully and that you can fulfill your end of the bargain. The WCEF Committee members don’t want to reject your application because it’s incomplete, and we don’t want to reduce or void your scholarship because you didn’t attend all your classes or events. We WANT to give the money away – so apply today!
Racquel Shampo-Giese
WCEF Chairperson
Even though the Registration for the conference is not out yet, people have been reserving their hotel rooms for our Annual Conference. Therefore, the host hotel - Madison Marriott West is already fully booked.
Four more area hotels have agreed to giving us a block of rooms. Check out the options available on the WMCA website on the 39th Annual Conference page.
UW-Green Bay Master Academy-July 29-31 |
NEW: UWGB is offering badging. It is an electronic badge/certification that you can attach to a resume, linked-in, a signature box etc. which when opened is like a transcript of what you did to earn it. It is GREAT credentials that is really taking off in education. We are the first University in the UW System doing it. Click here to learn about the badge. The (four) 4 classes listed at the bottom make up the certification/ badge. They are all advanced classes and you have to take an assessment of learning and pass to earn it.
If you are not interested, you can pick and choose and take any of the classes like in the past.
Registration is Open - Click here to see the curriculum for the Master Academy this year.
If you have questions about the Master Academy, please contact Kassie at vanremok@uwgb.edu.
WCEF Cash Raffle
Want to win some cash! 10 Prizes available. Click here for more information on the 2019 WCEF Cash Raffle.
Serving Alcohol Inc. has the Class WI Bartenders Need
Serving Alcohol Inc. wants you to know that they have updated their training for the Tobacco Check Certification now required by the state of Wisconsin. The training is bundled on their website and they wanted to pass this along to you, and to also help spread the word that their curriculum is up to date and complaint with the state requirements. Click here to check it out.
IIMC Scholarship Winner Had a Great Time! |
Christine Wallace, the Administrative Assistant of the City of Oconomowoc won the first IIMC $2,000 Conference Scholarship this year. Read about her experience at the IIMC Conference -
"The 73rd IIMC Annual Conference started on Sunday, May 19, 2019 in Birmingham, AL with registration, Vendor exhibits, and a Magic City Social & Exhibitor Networking event. The next day was the opening ceremony with the parade of flags and national anthems, which gave me goose bumps. The general sessions and concurrent education sessions were amazing, and the speakers were great." Click here to read more . . .

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.