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November 2023 WMCA E-Newsletter
Issue 11 - 2023
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In This Issue:
  • President's Message
  • 2024 Confeence Update
  • Reminder - Address Change
  • IIMC Region VI
Career Ads
WMCA Mission:
To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.
President's Message
Hello Professional Municipal Clerks,
It is my honor to serve as the President of the Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association. In keeping with our mission statement, my theme for this year is “Keep Rolling with Education”. I am a strong believer in education and that you are never done learning. WMCA and our associates offer excellent educational opportunities. I hope that you will be able to attend some of these sessions.
Please join me in congratulating these WMCA members on obtaining certification from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC). 
Master Municipal Clerk (MMC)
Michelle Luedtke, City of Brookfield
Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC)
Shirley Roberts, City of Franklin
Linda Gourdoux, Village of Mukwonago
Barbara Schuh, Village of Black Creek
Again, CONGRATULATIONS! Your hard work and dedication paid off.
Remember when you were first starting out as a Clerk and didn’t know anything? Now that you have experience we need to you share that knowledge with our new clerks. WE NEED MENTORS! Town Clerks we really need you to become mentors. There are a lot of new clerks and they could use guidance. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact the Mentoring Committee Chairperson Melissa Hongisto 
Rolling along with education, what an EXCELLENT conference we had in August. Thank you to the Conference Committee, Professional Education Committee and AEG! Awesome job everyone. Also, a huge THANK YOU to all of our awesome vendors that were able to attend!
The 2024 Conference will be held August 28-30, 2024, at the Madison Marriott in Middleton. Unfortunately, we were not able to secure a location for our regular week, so the conference is a week later (the week before the Labor Day weekend). The Conference Committee and PEC have already begun planning a great event for next year. I hope to see everyone there.
As I said in my inaugural speech, I believe this journey would not be a smooth one if I were to walk alone, but I know together we will keep this organization strong and continue moving forward professionally. So I encourage all of you to continue learning and to get involved in our great organization.
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” — Henry Ford
Enjoy your Thanksgiving,
WMCA President
2024 Conference
2024 WMCA Annual Conference
Madison Marriott West – Middleton
The WMCA announced at the 2023 Annual Conference that the 2024 WMCA Annual Conference will be in Middleton at the Madison Marriot West.  While it is too early to announce the line-up of classes, you can get your hotel room reserved now. 
The 2024 WMCA Conference will be the shorter 2-day conference with a pre-conference day on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.  Conference will be August 29-30, 2024.
Sleeping Room Reservation
2024 Membership Renewals
It is that time of year again to get your renewals in! Dues should be paid by end of January.
There will be a link in the email for all Active and Government Associate Members to pay with a credit card online.   
If you have any questions, please contact
REMINDER: Address Change
WMCA mailing address has changed to:
262 W. Main Street
Wales, WI 53183
Please mail all membership fees, event registrations and all other items to the address above.
For any questions, please reach out to
IIMC Region VI
IIMC Region VI consists of Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin and the hosting of the Mid-Year meeting in January rotates states each year. Iowa is excited to be the 2024 mid-year host on January 19-20, 2024.
Meet your Region VI Directors:
Elena Hilby, MMC
City Clerk
City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Term Expiring May 2026
Marita Rhude, MMC
City Clerk/Treasurer
City of Barrett, Minnesota
Term Expiring May 2024

Recent and Upcoming Events
  • August 2023 - Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association Annual Conference in Appleton. Marita and Elena attended.
  • October 2023 - IMFOA Fall Conference in Des Moines – Elena will attend. 
  • November 2023 – IIMC Mid-year Meeting in Orlando, FL – Elena and Marita will be attending.
  • January 2024 - Region VI Mid-Year Training and Meeting has been set for January 19-20 in Decorah Iowa. Friday’s training will include a session on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging by Chad L. Jackson and there will be a business meeting on Saturday morning. Plan to join us for great leadership training and networking opportunities.
Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) Program
The CMC program is designed to enhance the job performance of the Clerk in small and large municipalities. To earn the CMC designation, a Municipal Clerk must attend extensive education programs. The CMC designation also requires pertinent experience in a municipality. The CMC program prepares the applicants to meet the challenges of the complex role of the Municipal Clerk by providing them with quality education in partnership with institutions of higher learning, as well as State / Provincial / National Associations. The CMC program has been assisting clerks to excel since 1970.
Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) Program
The MMC program is an advanced continuing education program that prepares participants to perform complex municipal duties. The program has an extensive and rigorous educational component and a professional and social contribution component. The MMC applicant must demonstrate that they have actively pursued education and professional activities.
You can find more information about the CMC and MMC and all the training opportunities available to you at the IIMC website,
Click here to see the full newsletter!
Click on the ad for a direct link to their website.
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Our mailing address is:
Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association
262 W. Main Street
Wales, WI 53183
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