In This Issue
1. December 15 Holiday Social
2. January 26, 2021 Pop Up
3. NPD Community Champions
4. Membership Communications
Virginia Fundraising Institute (VFRI)
Save the Date
Save the date for next year:
July 21-22, 2021.
Diversity and Inclusion- IDEA
Click Here for article
Welcome New Members
Leslie Clarridge
Assistant Director
REACH (reading Enriches All Children)
Stacy Rogers
Executive Director
EQUI-KIDS Therapeutic Riding Center
Morgan Sherrill
Michelle Wren
Executive Director
Portsmouth Partnership
2020 Member Anniversaries
20 Years
Carter Sonders
Barbara Henley, CFRE
15 Years
Virginia Thumm
Norma Burandt, CFRE
Sharon Laderberg
10 Years
Allison Bough, CFRE
Homer Babbitt
Cristina Hudgins Dominquez
Kaitlin Robb
5 Years
Amber Gwaltney
Casie Conlon
Brett Smiley, CFRE
Jennifer Sieracki
Sara Berry
Susan Smith
Renew/Update Your Membership
Click Here
AFP-HR Job Postings
AFP Code of Ethical Standards
A Donor Bill of Rights
Contact Us
AFP Hampton Roads Chapter
PO Box 2338
Norfolk, VA 23501
Connect With Us
AFP-HR Vision Statement
To be recognized as the premier fundraising resource for professionals to learn, collaborate and grow together for a vibrant Hampton Roads community.
Greetings AFP-Hampton Roads Chapter Members,
I hope you enjoyed attending our November chapter “pop- up” presentation by AFP member, Patrick Belcher, that discussed ‘Setting up your Fundraising Staff for Success.’ We appreciate Patrick hosting this session for our chapter.
The spirit of philanthropy was alive and well through our celebration of philanthropy in Inside Business's November 23rd edition and through our social media posts! Thank you to Amy Weinstein - National Philanthropy Day Chair, Ashley Greene - Communications Chair, April Le - Sponsorship Chair and their committees for all of their work in helping our chapter celebrate philanthropy in Hampton Roads.
It's so hard to believe that 2020 is coming to a close. What a year it has been for our world! As we close the chapter on AFP's 2020 year, I reflect on all we accomplished as a team during the pandemic. Our AFP-HR Board Members responded to the challenges that faced our chapter this year. They made calls to members to check on them, created pop-up virtual programs, re-imagined our National Philanthropy Day Celebration and the way we offer our Fundraising Leadership Symposium, offered special pop-up programs for our members, secured event sponsors, created tools to help us focus on our diversity and inclusion chapter efforts, exceeded our Be the Cause goal, matched mentors with mentees, secured scholarship recipients, shared government affairs news and more...all while in a pandemic!
I am so proud of our Board of Directors, the committees as well as Chapter Administrator, Jan Dungan, for their tireless work during this difficult year. I am especially grateful for the help of Past President, Nicole Pellegrino, and incoming President, Kate Wilson, for their advice and wisdom during 2020.
We are truly grateful for the service of the following board members who will be rolling off of the AFP Board of Directors at the end of December: Past President Serena Amerson, Past President Laurie Harrison, Reneé Duval Fairchild and Reese Beeler. They have left an indelible mark on our chapter and will be sorely missed on our Board of Directors. Kudos on a job well-done!
At our December 15th chapter meeting, we will host virtual festive activities, honor our Be the Cause donors, recognize our retiring board members, pass the leadership gavel and welcome a representative from AFP-Global to share information on member benefits. Save the date and join us!
It has truly been an honor to serve as your Chapter President this year and I appreciate your support through these tumultuous times! I wish Kate Wilson all the best as we head into 2021 - our chapter is in great and able hands! Thanks for all YOU have done to advance philanthropy in Hampton Roads in 2020!
Keep up the good work,
Kenda G. Council
2020 President, AFP-HR
December Holiday Social - Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 12:00 Noon
Join us for our 2020 Holiday Social as we take advantage of the fun things virtual socializing has to offer!
Games (with prizes!) will occur, as well as a prize for the most festively dressed (think virtual background, ugly sweaters, etc).
We will also "pass the gavel" to our incoming President and honor our Be the Cause donors!
Don't miss this time to have some fun and unwind from a year that we will never forget.
We will also have a representative from AFP Global who will share information about member benefits.
Registration Info:
January 26, 2021 Pop Up
Title: Charitable Considerations of a Planned Giving Program
Date: January 26, 2021
Time: 9am EST
Platform: WebEx.
Registration: Click Here to register by January 24, 2021 at 5 pm. You will be sent the WebEx link prior to the meeting
Leslie Doyle, Managing Director and Private Client Advisor at Bank of America, will give AFP members and their guests what they need to know about planned giving programs and vehicles from the financial advisor side of the table.
Leslie Doyle, Managing Director at Bank of America
As an Institutional Client Advisor, Leslie consults with institutional and nonprofit organizations to help them pursue financial stability, mission fulfillment and long-term growth. Closely attuned to challenges and opportunities that these nonprofits face, Leslie leads dynamic engagement with client priorities by coordinating the full resources of U.S. Trust in her interactions. She aligns investment offerings and philanthropic services with the unique needs of educational endowments, arts and cultural institutions, healthcare and faith-based organizations and foundations.
Lee Parker, Senior Vice President, Philanthropic Client Manager at Bank of America Private Bank
Lee Parker is a Vice President and Philanthropic Client Manager with Bank of America Private Bank. In her role, Lee serves as the primary liaison and service provider for philanthropic foundations and non-profit institutions. Lee leads a team of specialists customized to help meet the philanthropic priorities of each client by leveraging the intellectual capital of the bank. Cultivating strong relationships, maintaining a personal touch, being readily accessible and keeping clients informed are distinctive elements of her reputation.
Prior to joining Bank of America Private Bank, Lee served as the Senior Director, Philanthropic Advisory Services for the Greater Washington Community Foundation, one of the largest community foundations in the nation. Lee spent 17 years working for local and regional foundations in the greater Washington region, where she held several senior-level positions overseeing multi-million dollar community investment portfolios. Lee earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland University College with a concentration in Communications.
National Philanthropy Day- Community Champions Honored
In case you missed Inside Business's November 23rd edition, visit our website for a full listing of our 2020 Community Champions and Friends of AFP:
Also, check out Kenda Councii's article that also appeared in this edition:
Don't Miss our Community Champions or the latest AFP HR Chapter News!
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Also, be sure and click AFP profile to update your profile with a mobile and work phone AND a personal and work email address so we can stay in touch with you.
Click here for step by step instructions on how to update your profile.