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November 2019 WMCA E-Newsletter

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association
Monthly Newsletter

Your President's


Well it’s here – Winter!!!  I guess I must have slept through Fall, Thanksgiving and Christmas, because I find myself in January already.  I hope I enjoyed my holidays 😊

Since my last newsletter article I have traveled to the City of Portage for a District #4 Meeting; I was interviewed as part of a CBS 58 Investigates segment on Elections Clerks at Risk of Cyber Attack, which aired on November 5th at 10 PM:; I attended two Committee meetings (2020 Conference Committee and WCEF Committee) via teleconference, and I was interviewed on The Morning Show on Wisconsin Public Radio (WSUM 91.7 FM Madison) about the need for poll workers, the jobs they preform, how Party lists work and the biggest challenge Professional Municipal Clerks face:

VISION:  As I previously mentioned, I had a conversation with the President of MTAW Barbara Guckenberger and part of our discussion was how our two organizations could work together for the benefit of both memberships.  Because of this conversation, Barb contacted me about MTAW’s concern with recent legislation regarding Airbnb’s and how they report and remit room tax collections, which can be done online without a return.  They don’t have to specify which property they are remitting for and since it is remitted by zip code it can pose a problem for where funds are forwarded to because some communities share zip codes.  She asked if WMCA would be willing to collaborate on a message to our membership outlining the concerns about this law change and Melissa Hongisto, Village of Suamico & Marie Moe, Village of Portage (members of WMCA’s Legislative Communications & Advocacy Committee) have offered to work with MTAW’s Legislative/DOR Committee to draft something that will be shared with both memberships.  Although this topic is specific to communities with Airbnb’s, Professional Clerk/Treasurer’s and Finance Depts. it does affect internal controls and the cost to the municipalities associated with this change so it is something we should all be aware of.  It is believed this legislation will create more extensive testing for auditors to ensure they are comfortable with the outside entity’s reporting of which the cost to do so will be passed on to the municipality.  There is also concern that municipalities will be in violation of state statutes as a result of the commissions inability to properly distribute room tax collections to the correct municipality/visitor bureau because of the lack of paperwork the Airbnb’s are required to file with their remittance.  Violations to statutes will cause auditors to list compliance findings in municipalities annual audits.  So, stay tuned for our collaborative message.

VICTORIES:  Your WMCA Ad-Hoc Multi-Media Committee has achieved another victory, which you may have already read in a Red Alert Email that was sent to you, or on the WMCA Website or  Facebook page as “Red Hot Alert #3.”  The latest membership offering are various samples of Election Day Contingency Plans.  This offering goes hand-in-hand with the recently launched WEC Election Security Subgrant Program to provide financial resources to make sure that every Professional Clerk has an up-to-date, secure computer, has access to professional IT support, and has received election security training. As part of the terms of this grant, the receiving jurisdiction shall certify that it has an Election Contingency Plan in place.  l create a Contingency Plan to address election security emergencies in the jurisdiction. The jurisdiction shall submit a copy of their Contingency Plan to the Commission by the subgrant program deadline.To view Sample Election Contingency Plans, login to the Member Log In Section of the WMCA website and locate the Election Contingency Plan Folder under Elections in the Document Center. When you click on the folder, there will be four documents, all in either word or excel format that you can customize to your specific needs and municipality. The documents are meant to be a helpful tool and not all verbiage will be applicable, so just delete what you don't need or doesn't fit and fill in the areas specific to your municipality.

We have also shared two types of useful information on the WMCA Facebook page and on the WMCA website under "Helpful Links" that you may want to add to your municipality website for your citizens: 
1 - American Red Cross First Aid.  You can visit their website at:
or download their mobile app on your phones to access videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice for all types of first-aid, accidents, emergency situations, etc.
Type in:  First Aid: American Red Cross.
2 - if you know someone that has been internet scammed or you get questions about potential scams, you can get advice for victims and report fraud/scams by going to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) website:

November is the time to be thankful, a time to remember and to embrace those who enrich our lives.  I’m thankful for so many things, and I am especially thankful for WMCA and all the Professional Clerks / Clerk Staff across all the miles in this beautiful State we call Wisconsin.  You enrich my life with your encouragement, generosity, outreach when I need help or advice and by allowing me to help you.  Thank you for that.

Sending you my warmest wishes for a very Happy Thanksgiving! May this day be a beautiful reminder of the wonderful things in your life and your Municipality.

Diane Coenen WCMC/CMC
2019-2020 WMCA President

October 2019
WCMC Certifications

     WCMC pin     
The WMCA Certification Committee is proud to announce the latest  members to have earned their WCMC certification this October.  The WCMC is the Wisconsin Certified Municipal Clerk designation. 

Sara Decker, Clerk, City of Mayville
Diahnn Halbach, Clerk, City of Burlington
Cassandra Hanan, Deputy Clerk/Deputy Treasurer, Village of Holmen
Donna Hann, Clerk/Deputy Treasurer, Town of Merton
Lisa Kalata, Clerk, Village of Cottage Grove
Shelly Kazda, Clerk/Treasurer, Village of Montfort
Heidi Koch, Deputy Clerk, Village of Sauk City
Julie Lesar, Clerk/Deputy Treasurer, Village of Belgium
Michelle Luedtke, Clerk, City of Delafield
Arlene Mand, Deputy Clerk, City of Fond Du Lac
JoAnn Marcon, Deputy Clerk, City of Onalaska
Natalie Megow, Clerk/Treasurer, Village of Poynette
Mary Quante, Clerk/Assessor II, Town of Grover
Casandra Smith, Clerk, Village of Pewaukee
Shannon Toufar, Clerk/Treasurer, City of Loyal
James Wendt, Administrative Clerk, Town of Watertown

The WMCA implemented its certification program in July 2005.  By earning points in education, career and lifelong learning experiences, and committing to the WMCA Code of Ethics, the Wisconsin Certified Municipal Clerk certification can be obtained.  A member with this designation has taken over 200 hours of training.




The International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) is pleased to inform you that as of October 30th, the following individual has earned the prestigious Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation:

Dawn A. Collins, CMC - City Clerk - City of Lodi, WI

The Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) is one of the two professional designations granted by IIMC and is designed to enhance the job performance of the Clerk in small and large municipalities. To earn the CMC designation, a Municipal Clerk must attend extensive education programs often totaling more than 120 educational hours. The CMC designation also requires pertinent experience in a municipality. The CMC program prepares the applicants to meet the challenges of the complex role of the Municipal Clerk by providing them with quality education in partnership with institutions of higher learning, as well as State/Provincial/National Associations. The CMC program has been assisting clerks to excel since 1970.

 Video Gambling Machines

from the Dept of Revenue

 Gambling machines

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue asked us to share information about the illegal operation of video gambling machines.  Some of you may be aware of retail locations in your community that received a direct letter from the department.  [Click here to read the letter.]  Operation of video gambling machines is a felony, except that lesser penalties may apply for establishments with a Class B retail alcohol beverage license.  Retailers are encouraged to contact their attorney to discuss whether they are in violation of Wisconsin gambling laws.  Violation of the law may result in the following:

  • Class I felony offense for commercial gambling (sec. 945.03(1m), Wis. Stats.)
  • Fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment, or both (secs. 945.03(1m) and 939.51(a), Wis. Stats.)
  • Class A misdemeanor offense for permitting premises to be used for commercial gambling (sec. 945.04(1m), Wis. Stats.)
  • Seizure of video gambling machines (sec. 968.13, Wis. Stats.)
  • Revocation of alcohol beverage license or permit (sec. 945.041, Wis. Stats.)
  • Discontinuation as Lottery retailer (sec. 565.10(3)(a), Wis. Stats.)
  • Closure of business as a public nuisance (sec. 823.20, Wis. Stats.)

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.  If you have any questions, contact:

Justin Shemanski CPA
Director, Office of Criminal Investigation
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
2135 Rimrock Road
Madison, WI  53708
Phone (608) 266-0286
FAX (608) 261-6240

​ A Review of Some WMCA Benefits

Do You Know All that Membership Directory Contains?
 MembershipDirectory Button

The WMCA Membership Directory is a great benefit available to all regular WMCA members!  It is a current Directory of all Active and Government Associate Members of the WMCA at your fingertips.  Find the member’s name or the municipality name and contact information.  This directory is attached to the Cvent software program that holds your membership records, so the information you see in the directory will always be the most current record we have from our members.

TAB - My Membership: 
You can see and edit most of your information with the WMCA.  You can update your record as changes occur.  After you have signed into the website, look for the Tab near the top for “My Membership”.  You can edit everything on that page except your name and email address.  If you have changes to either of those fields, you need to contact the Executive Director at

TAB - My Events:  
You do not need Certificates of Attendance for attending WMCA sponsored trainings! For members that are working on obtaining certification, you can click on the "My Events" tab and see the WMCA events you have attended.  This section will also give you a list of the events that you are currently registered to attend, such as a District meeting.  This is where your WMCA certification hours will accumulate for you.  PLEASE NOTE:  You need to hit the Print Button and the next screen that pops up will have all your credits showing.  The previous screens may not show your participation.

There are four categories of credit hours you could see in your information-if you have attended the following:

WMCA Conference Hours:  This category is self-explanatory.  If you went to a WMCA Conference, your credit hours are listed there.
WMCA Sponsored Session Hours:  This category will have the hours you earn going to WMCA District meetings, WMCA Board of Review classes and/or WMCA New Clerks Class.
The WMCA Conference Hours and the WMCA Sponsored Session Hours coordinate with our WCMC & WCPC certification application categories.
Athenian Dialogues:  This is the third possible credit hour line you will see in your record if you attend the WMCA/IIMC Sponsored Athenian Dialogues. The Athenian Dialogues have been put in a separate category so that you can use these credits for proof of attendance when you apply for Athenian Fellowship through IIMC.

Board of Review Hours:  This category is also self-explanatory.  If you attend Board of Review certification training offered through the WMCA, your hours will be posted here.

The system will store your attendance to any and all meetings sponsored through WMCA.  Just make sure you sign in when the attendance sheet is passed around at the event.  If you ever need to leave an event early – remember to post the time you leave next to your signature on the sign in sheets.  You will get credit for the number of hours you did attend.

If you have any problems or further questions, contact the Executive Director at

MemberLogin Button
 Have You Looked in the Member Log In Section?

The Log-in area of the WMCA website is a great resource, where you can go to see all the stored information WMCA has compiled for our municipal members to use.

First time into the site: Click on the “Member Log-In” blue button on the righthand side of the front page of the WMCA website.  This will take you to a log-in page.  Your username is your first initial and last name - in all small letters typed together.  The password to get you in the first time is 12345678. 

[If this doesn’t work, contact the Executive Director to help reset your account at]

Changing your password:  When you are inside the site, run your mouse over your username in the top right corner and a drop-down menu will appear.  Click on “My Account” and from this screen you can change your password to whatever you want - but please write it down and keep it in a safe place.  The WMCA office staff cannot see your password, so we can only reset your password to the default if you forget it.

Document Center:  Then click on “Document Center” and check out the Table of Contents at the left.  There is a wide variety of information in the site for you, such as election contingency plans; Census 2020 info; and the 2019 Salary Surveys of members. 

Search for what you are looking for:  In the upper left corner of the website, you will see a search box. Run your mouse over it and it will show you all the criteria you can put in to find a specific item on this site.  It will save you time in finding the information you are looking for. So do take a few minutes to play with the search feature.

There is more information being added to this area all the time by the Multi-Media Committee.  So do make sure to give it a look from time-to-time, and if there is some information you are looking for and you don't find on the site, please let the Executive Director know and I will pass the idea on to the committee.  On the other hand, the Multi-Media Committee may be putting out some emails asking for specific information from you that could be used and added to the Log In area.  Please help them out whenever you can.

 WMCA Associate Members are great partners with the WMCA.  The next time you need to purchase a service or software, or other items, check out the vendors ads on the WMCA website on the Municipal Vendor page.

Issue #10  
November 2019

For the best display of this E-Newsletter, click here to open as a webpage.

In This Issue

New Educational Opportunities
Mark your calendars for the following opportunities and watch your email for the registration information:

- DePere, WI-Feb. 28th

Northern Spring Training
- in Minocqua on May 14-15, 2020.  Great place to come for basic clerk education.  Details coming soon.

40th Anniversary WMCA Conference
August 26-28th, 2020 - Chula Vista
You can reserve your hotel room now.  See Hotel information and code on the WMCA website.  Click Here.  Registration for the conference will be out in April.

CareerAds Button

Have You Checked Out the Career Ads Lately?  Have you been thinking of making a change or possibly moving up to a bigger position?  Don’t forget to check out the “Career Ads” section of the WMCA website.  Go to: and click on the blue button on the right side of the website to check out all of the openings around the state.



About Us

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

Check Out Our Website at:


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