Room features and guest services
- Internet access
- Onsite catering
- Onsite restaurant
Recreational activities
- Health club
- Spa or salon
Venue accessibility
- Train
Distance from airport
37.28 mi. from venue
- Paid parking
Business-Vital-Hotel Meeting Space
Guest Rooms
Business-Vital-Hotel is located at Mittelbergstrasse 1 in the town of Suhl in Germany. The hotel offers well appointed 31 rooms for a comfortable stay in the hotel. The hotel has an area for you to hold meetings and conduct business. It will surround you with comfort and an impressive atmosphere and is suitable for board meetings, conferences, incentive events, business meetings, product presentations and much more. The Business-Vital Hotel can accommodate up to 200 people for your conferences, meetings or banquets, providing the most modern of technology. At the Business-Vital we have three different restaurant rooms or banqueting halls which will seat up to 120 diners. Dine intimately as a twosome by candle-light, come for a feast as a family of ten, have 50 people to a birthday party - and for a wedding gathering invite up to 120 guests. - there is no limit to the pleasure to be had.