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NICHQ News: December 2013
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Monthly QI Quiz
Once you’ve tested a change, you need to decide if you should continue to test or if you are ready to implement the change. Which of these conditions should be present before moving to full implementation?
A. The team has a high degree of belief that the change will lead to improvement
B. The cost of failure is small
C. The organization is ready to make the change
D. A, B and C
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Featured Video

Watch how the Holyoke, MA, team from the Collaborative for Healthy Weight initiative was able to implement a successful city-wide healthy living program.

Featured Publication

Recommendations for Evaluation of Health Care Improvement Initiatives

New paper by NICHQ's Marianne McPherson, PhD, published in Academic Pediatrics.
What's New at NICHQ

> NICHQ is continuing its efforts to address childhood obesity by extending its pioneering work on incorporating healthy weight plans into electronic health records (EHRs). Read More.
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DIY Quality Improvement
Leadership Message

"When I stepped into my grandmother's 1860 colonial house, I was afraid that I could not do all the things that needed to be done to make it a home," says NICHQ's Karen Sautter Errichetti. "But I made myself believe that I could fix plaster, sister joists and install a new shower. Quality improvement works the same way. We must be fearless when we are not getting the results we had hoped for or expected." Read More.

Karen Sautter Errichetti plastering her 1860s home
Wait Times for Autism Services Cut in Half without Adding Staff

People with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) spend a lot of time waiting: waiting for a diagnosis, waiting for therapeutic services, or waiting to see a doctor about medication. This problem isn’t just inconvenient for families: the earlier children with ASD receive intervention, the better their outcomes tend to be. Participants in the Collaborative to Improve Care for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have taken important steps to address this situation. Read More.       

Wait times for Autism services cut in half without adding staff
Competitive Hospitals Work Together to Improve Breastfeeding

Erin Hamilton Spence, MD, is a passionate breastfeeding advocate. She serves as the advisor for the Dallas-area birthing centers in the Texas Ten Step Star Achiever Breastfeeding Learning Collaborative, a breastfeeding improvement project run by NICHQ with the state of Texas. NICHQ caught up with Spence to ask her about what started her passion in breastfeeding advocacy and how hospitals in her advisory group have been making great strides by working together. Read More.

Erin Hamilton Spence
Why I Participate: By Parent Partner Ziva Mann

Family partners play a key role in NICHQ's work on transforming practices into medical homes. Ziva Mann works with a team from Cambridge Pediatrics in Massachusetts. An advocate and mother of a child with hemophilia, she shares her story on the importance of a medical home and how partnering with healthcare professionals helped a practice achieve improvements. Read More.

Ziva Mann and her family

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