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The Official e-Newsletter of
Singapore International Chamber of Commerce

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Issue 276, 24 Dec 2019

Dear Members and Friends

My team and I thank you for another year of engagement with, interest in and support of your Chamber.

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, we wish you a very merry Christmas!

To one and all, we wish the very best compliments of this happy Season. We hope it will allow you to better appreciate your blessings in life especially your loved ones. We also hope you will spare a thought for those who are not so fortunate and give some of your good fortune to those in need.

With very best regards.

Yours faithfully
Victor Mills

Chief Executive



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Singapore International Chamber Of Commerce
6 Raffles Quay #10-01 Singapore 048580 | www.sicc.com.sg | general@sicc.com.sg


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