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Trauma in the Mind’s Eye: Mitigating and eliminating intrusive thoughts, flashbacks and nightmares
Live webinar September 14, 2020

Natalie Zlodre, MSW., RSW.

This webinar will review effective interventions that target source traumatic memories, techniques for processing horror, how to process five cognitive stuck points and explore effective evidence-based treatments.  
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Stuck in the Vortex of Despair: Responding effectively to clients who experience Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Developmental Trauma
Live webinar September 21 and 28, 2020

Natalie Zlodre, MSW., RSW.

This webinar will explore the intersecting dimensions of insecure attachment and Complex Developmental Trauma, distinguish between PTSD, CPTSD, BDP and DT, identify the core characterological features of chronic trauma and outline key treatment directions, strategies and models.  
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flower growing from dry soil

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): An introduction to essential components
Live webinar October 1 and 2, 2020

Lyndsey Davies, MSW., RSW.

This two-day introductory webinar will present the theoretical underpinnings of DBT, the group and individual components, along with DBT skills from each of the four modules.  Read more
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SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Learning Institute
114 Maitland Street, Toronto ON  M4Y 1E1
Photography is being used for illustrative purposes only, any person depicted in the content is a model, except where indicated.

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