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Volume 5

 ***Special Edition***

May 2012

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ASSIST Components Launched

AdvancED recently released additional components of ASSIST (the Adaptive System of School Improvement Support Tools), a new web-based platform with tools designed to help identify target goals and broaden thinking about continuous improvement, performance, and accreditation.

The ASSIST tools, coupled with the revised AdvancED Accreditation Standards, create a stronger alignment between internal and external diagnostic review, stakeholder feedback, and student performance results.  The result is a performance-based accreditation process that provides each institution with a comprehensive analysis to drive continuous improvement. 

If you will be hosting an External Review (formerly called the Quality Assurance Review) in 2012-13, you are required to use ASSIST to submit a Self Assessment, Executive Summary, and Assurances.  As in the past, you will continue to be required to submit a school improvement plan.  ASSIST offers a high quality school improvement planner, or you may submit an existing plan by attaching it in the Assurances section of ASSIST.

ASSIST now includes Surveys, Student Performance Diagnostics, and Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic tools.  While these additional tools will not be required components of the external review until the spring of 2013, all schools are encouraged to begin using the surveys and diagnostic tools to help identify areas of strength or opportunities for improvement. 

Even if you don’t have an External Review scheduled in the coming year, you can begin exploring and using the new offerings.  If you have questions about ASSIST or the AdvancED Accreditation Standards and Protocol, please contact our office.  

ASSIST Resources Available

AdvancED has a number of resources available to support you as you begin working in the new ASSIST platform.  Both the School Resources and School System Resources web pages have a booklet: Quick Start Guide for ASSIST, a video tutorial called “Using ASSIST to Prepare for a Fall 2012 External Review” and a recorded webinar by the same name.  The webinar was presented on April 23, 2012 to schools who plan to host External Reviews this fall.  The booklet, tutorial, and webinar can be accessed at any time and are free of charge.

The resource pages also have information about Login Instructions, User Guides, Frequently Asked Questions (including ASSIST information), Support Tools (workbooks and worksheets), and instructions on how to do a variety of tasks related to your institution’s accreditation.  For information on how to access the School or School System Resource pages, please contact our office.

You also can learn more about ASSIST by attending a School Improvement Workshop.  AdvancED Nebraska, in conjunction with NDE, NCSA, and the ESUs, will be offering four workshops across the state this fall:

  • September  20-21 - Holiday Inn Express, 300 Holiday Frontage Road, North Platte

  • October  8-9 - ESU 10, 76 Plaza Blvd, Kearney

  • October  25-26 - Lifelong Learning Center, 801 East Benjamin, Northeast Community College, Norfolk

  • October 29-30 - DC Centre, 11830 Stonegate Drive, Omaha

Registration information and details about the workshops will be sent to AdvancED schools later this summer. 


AdvancED, the home of NCA CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI, is dedicated to
advancing excellence in education worldwide.

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