- President's Message
- Board of Review
- What is WCEF?
- Upcoming Regional Meetings
- UW-GB Master Academy
- Scholarship Applications
- Blood Drive
- UW-GB Clerks Institute
- Education Fundraiser
- Membership Renewal
- Transition Update
Greetings From Your New Executive Director,
Courtney Harris
Hello everyone! As the transition comes to a complete, I am very excited to be working with WMCA! I've been an Association Manager for over 5 years now. I graduated from University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Marketing. I have worked with a wide variety of associations in different industries with managing their membership database, websites, event planning, certification programs, and much more. I look forward to an exciting 2023!
Wisconsin Clerk Education Fund (WCEF) was established to promote the education and training of clerks!
We couldn’t do it without your generosity! All donations received are returned in scholarships!
WCEF gave out $7,130 in Scholarships for the 2022 WMCA Conference; as well as $1,590 last Spring for the Northern Training.
To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of
municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional
development, and the promotion of excellence.
Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association
The transition to our new Executive Director is complete and we welcome Courtney and her team.
The Board of Directors had a very productive meeting on Monday, January 23rd. Following are a few highlights.
- District Directors are making plans for meetings in 2023. It is so important to get District meetings jump-started. Whether a new clerk or a seasoned clerk, district meetings provide the education, resources, and networking we all need. Remember you are welcome to attend any District’s meeting, not only your own District. If you have an idea for a District Meeting, please be sure and share it with the Directors. They need your input to make the meetings a success.
- The Board made the decision to take a break from the Northern Training this year. An AdHoc Committee will be formed to prepare a survey to find out what our members in the northern part of the state are looking for in education and development. Please contact me if you are interested in serving on the AdHoc Committee.
- The Board is looking at planning out future conference sites for the next three to four years. We hope to cut the State into four quadrants and rotate future conferences to each quadrant.
If you have the opportunity, the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) is holding its’ annual conference in Minneapolis in May. This is your opportunity to experience what IIMC has to offer in education, professional development and networking.
Thank you to all who have renewed your membership. For those who have yet to renew; put that on the top of your to do list.
Remember, this is your Association. Be involved.
Marie A. Moe, WCPC/MMC
2022-23 WMCA President
Board of Review |
Hey everybody it’s almost here. That’s right Board of Review! I am the new WMCA BOR Liaison, Cindi Gamb. The Department of Revenue and the UW are currently updating the training materials. They should have everything to me in March. Then we can get our trainers trained and be ready to supply everyone with the BOR information.
So, watch for updates coming soon.
Cindi Gamb, WMCA 1st Vice President & BOR Liaison
What is WCEF?
The Wisconsin Clerks Education Fund (WCEF) of the WMCA was established to promote the training and education of Municipal Clerks so that they will bring high professional standards to the office of Clerk and will better serve the elected officials and citizens of their governmental unit by providing efficient and economical services.
The Fund’s purpose is to raise money for Municipal Clerk scholarships at WMCA approved educational sessions. Every dollar you donate helps promote education to Wisconsin Clerks in keeping with our association mission: "To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence."
For more information, please click here.
Upcoming Regional Meetings |
District IV - February 28, 2023
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Verona Fire Department, 101 Lincoln St., Verona, WI 53596
Cost: Members - $20 | Non-Member - $30
Click here for more information.
District VI
Date: Late April - Stay tuned!
This meeting will include Board of Review training and Active Shooter training.
More information coming to the WMCA website soon!
Master Academy for Civic and Public Affairs
February 22-24, 2023 - Virtual
Last day to register: TODAY, February 15, 2023
The UW-Green Bay Virtual Master Academy for Civic and Public Affairs is a series of interactive, live online sessions via Zoom which allows us to provide active learning through the use of breakouts, group work and polling. Participants select and register for their sessions, and UW-Green Bay provides links so that participants can join the cohort live
Click here for more details.
Scholarship Applications Now Available for
UW-Green Bay Institute
The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay is remaining virtual for 2023!
Now is the time to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home or office. The Institute is truly the premiere place to learn the skills you need to be the best Professional Clerk you can be. Aside from saving your municipality money for travel expenses, the WMCA has scholarships available for any Clerk planning to attend the Clerks Institute. Applications must be postmarked by April 15. All members are encouraged to apply for a scholarship no matter which year of the institute you are in – Year 1, 2 or 3 or Clerks Completion.
In 2022, we awarded over 35 scholarships totaling nearly $10,000!
Please ensure that you are an active member and include a letter of support, as over 15% applications were rejected due to lack of membership or letters of support! Additionally, the Committee often makes their decisions based on narratives in each category. We’d ask that you are putting thought into your answers, demonstrative both the financial need of a scholarship, as well as what it would mean to advance your education.
Click here for the online 2023 Scholarship Application.
Giving Blood, Sweat, & Tears

As part of a Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association ‘Blood, Sweat, & Tears Campaign’, clerks are encouraged to fill up their local blood drives. Blood banks count on drives to continually replace their supply. Being professionals who support our communities with our blood, sweat, and tears every day, let’s show up literally! Let us know when you give blood January-March by using the link provided by the City of Brookfield HERE.
Show your dedication by even uploading a photo of you donating blood! Thank you for your support, clerks are truly the life-blood of local government.
Aja Taylor, Promotions Committee
Best Clerk Education in the Country!
July 17-21, 2023 Clerk & Treasurers Virtual Institute

2023 Tuition $499 | **Note: Courses will NO be recorded.
The UW-Green Bay online Institute is a series of interactive, live online sessions via Zoom.
Pros of Virtual Learning
- Learn from the comfort of your own home or office
- There's no lodging or travel costs
- Easy digital access to learning materials
- Less time away from the office
Click here for more details.
Say "Aloha" to Hawaii
Sponsored by the IIMC Foundation and American Legal, this education fundraiser can land you in beautiful Hawaii. When you support IIMC education programs, you can win a trip for two to Hawaii, including airfare and a week's hotel on Waikiki Beach.
With tickets available at $20 each or 3 for $50, take a chance ... or two or three! It's all for a good cause furthering clerks' education through scholarships and IIMC education programs.
Click here to download fillable form.
2023 Membership Renewals
A friendly reminder to get your membership renewed if you have not done so already. Your dues should have been paid by the end of January. If you still plan to renew, please get them inn at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please contact ExecDirector@wisclerks.org.
CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATE MEMBER ADS. Click on the ad to go to their websites. |

TO THE WMCA ASSOCIATES: Please contact the WMCA Executive Director at ExecDirector@wisclerks.org if your contact information and/or email address has changed or if you would like to know how to advertise in the WMCA E-Newsletter. |