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2015 Top 25 Europe Meeting Destinations


City Name Rank Total Number of
Meeting Hotels
Total Number of
Sleeping Rooms
Sleeping Rooms
(in largest hotel)
London. England 1 784 88,870 1,059
Barcelona, Spain 2 408 33,404 500
Paris, France 3 1,511 1,01,282 1,025
Amsterdam, Netherlands 4 222 25,508 610
Berlin, Germany 5 449 50,786 1,125
Frankfurt, Germany 6 173 20,572 1,008
Madrid, Spain 7 380 40,539 915
Rome, Italy 8 626 39,067 817
Brussels, Belgium 9 148 15,595 511
Dublin, Ireland 10 160 17,503 774
Prague, Czech Republic 11 465 31,318 810
Istanbul, Turkey 12 731 57,264 829
Vienna, Austria 13 288 25,150 579
Munich, Germany 14 280 26,752 627
Copenhagen, Denmark 15 79 13,521 812
Lisbon, Portugal 16 161 18,310 577
Manchester, England 17 76 9,991 365
Stockholm, Sweden 18 144 20,069 558
Athens, Greece 19 166 14,777 543
Budapest, Hungary 20 206 18,947 468
Milan, Italy 21 263 22,336 437
Hannover, Germany L 22 82 7,811 527
Birmingham, England 23 103 10,158 790
Zurich, Switzerland 24 101 8,217 0
Edinburgh, Scotland 25 127 8,983 303