Hotel Havlicek Luhacovice

Cvent 공급자 네트워크에 대한 정보 알아보기
Masarykova 262 Luhacovice 76326

공항부터 거리

  • 30.07 개최지에서 마일 거리

Hotel Havlicek Luhacovice 회의 공간



손님 객실 합계15
싱글 (침대 1개)2
더블 (침대 2개)12


Hotel Havlicek Luhacovice is located in the spa town Luhacovice opposite the mall Albert. Accommodation is suitable for business travel, seminar participants, families and leisure stays. Hotel offers 12 double, 2 single and 1 triple room. Our non-smoking restaurant has a capacity of 34 seats.


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