July 01, 2019
By Amrutha Sarayu

As with any sector, higher education institutions have their own set of objectives aligned with their events. From increasing donations and engaging alumni, to improving student outreach and building the university’s reputation, event planners in the education industry need to make sure that their event program (and the technology behind it) supports these objectives.

Here are 5 ways event technology can help planners in the higher education space:

Consolidated Event Technology and Data

Technology is amazing and it’s there to help us minimise manual processes. However, when you’re working with multiple standalone tech, it can be more hassle than help. Make sure to think about consolidating your event technology needs under one roof. By opting for a comprehensive technology platform, you eliminate the use of disparate systems across various departments and schools and ensure seamless flow of event data. Consolidating your event tech and having all data in a single system ensures that you get deeper insights and increase the value and impact of all your events.

Valuable Time and Cost Savings

Using technology to plan and manage your events will lead to cost savings across the board. By automating and streamlining many of your event processes, you will dramatically see an increase in productivity – and your team will be able to spend more time on other important tasks.

Integration with Critical Systems

By integrating your event and attendee data with other critical systems, you’ll always have a complete and reliable view of the events program across your institution. It will also allow for seamless data exchange between systems, which will enable you to build more complete contact profiles and have more targeted follow-ups. Consequently, you’ll be able to quickly understand your event ROI, uncover actionable insights, and optimise your events.

Greater Visibility Across Departments

With multiple groups running meetings and events, it can be difficult to get a holistic picture of your institution’s event performance and impact. When different event organisers use different technologies and have different processes, key data remains separated. Centralisation of event technology will provide the visibility you need to improve efficiencies and understand key metrics such as total event spend, total registrants, and revenue. And while you’ll have visibility across your institution, you can still limit access for individual users and departments, as well as pull separate reports on them as needed.

Security at All Levels

Ensuring compliance to data protection and privacy regulations like GDPR may seem daunting, but you can turn it into an opportunity. By ensuring you have the right technology for events in place to adhere to such regulations, you can be a standard bearer in your industry for the protection of personal information.

Download the infographic ‘Event Technology Across the Institutions, to get a snapshot of the key uses of event technology in the higher education space. Learn how it can help increase the reach, impact and ROI of your events across the student lifecycle.


Amrutha Sarayu

Amrutha Sarayu

Amrutha is a content writer and marketer at Cvent. She mainly writes about the meetings and events industry, with a special focus on technology that is designed for making the lives of planners easier.

When not writing, she can be found taking part in reading challenges or watching food videos on YouTube. 

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