The Cvent approach to managing speakers

Save valuable time

Automate tedious speaker management tasks so you can focus on the big picture

Stay in control

Collect all speaker content for your event in one central location

Remove inconsistencies

Generate reports on task completion and send branded reminders to speakers when needed

Manage Speaker Tasks

Manage speaker tasks

Effectively automate speaker task assignment and collect session content. You can create all the necessary tasks for your event, with the flexibility to assign them to all speakers or individual ones. With speaker task and session reports, you will always have a clear view of task progress.

Send Key Notifications

Send key notifications

Notifications will help you stay on schedule and maintain visibility over your event. There’s no more need to track down speaker agreements, headshots, bios, session information, or presentation slides.

  • Schedule branded task reminders to speakers using templates
  • Send custom emails to any speaker
Coordinate Speaker Activities

Coordinate speaker activities

Provide your speakers with a direct link to the Speaker Resource CenterTM. Once your speakers are given access, they can stay organized and easily prepare for speaking at your event. By keeping your event details all in one place – not spread across multiple e-mails or complex spreadsheets – you will help increase speaker engagement.

Event speakers can:

  • View tasks and deadlines by session
  • Mark tasks as complete
  • View and modify their speaker profile and session details
  • Answer questions from the event organizer

Why Cvent?

Stability and scale

The resources and staying power for a lasting partnership


800+ customer success team delivering 24/7 personalized attention

Best practices

Experience and best practices from over 200,000 active users across 100+ countries


The highest standards of compliance. Trusted by 80% of the Fortune 100