January 16, 2017
By Amrutha Sarayu

It is a truth universally acknowledged that your event landing page is the face of your event. Whilst a lot of thought, time and effort go into event planning, a lot of planners don’t do the same while creating an event registration page. It would certainly be a bummer to have burnt the midnight oil in planning the event only to lose attendees at the time of registration.

Read these nine useful event landing page best practices to convert your event website visitors into attendees:


Apart from clearly indicating the topic, date, time and place, you should tell your attendees what is in it for them or why they should attend. List the specific benefits available to them and make sure you keep it short and crisp. Wherever possible, use third-party endorsement. Also, list down the event sponsors and/or last year’s attendees, and categorise them according to industry, country etc, for the attendees to check out.


This one is simple yet a vital event landing page best practice. Have all the key information of the event in a single landing page as it will accelerate the decision-making process to register for the event.


A prominent “register now” is a must if you want your attendees to register. A button made of a colour contrasting to the site design and having a snazzy shape will look striking. The text on the button should be short, large, in first person and should create a sense of urgency.


People might just be searching for your events, so make sure you optimise your event landing page. Best practice is to choose a relevant keyword by researching it on Google and use it on your website. Incorporate that in your title tags and headers to help indicate relevance to Google. Don’t forget to link your event landing page to other pages on your site or blog.


Use previous event images or any visual image to convey a sense of what the attendees can expect. You can then show these images when the page is shared on social media networks. Don’t fret if you’re hosting the event for the first time, your event image can be as simple as an event logo or a picture of room full of people.


Your event page should tell a story, and the best way to do that is to use videos on your event page. The video can be a simple interview of the speakers or videos of your previous event. In case, you can’t find any of these, try creating a simple video using Google Hangouts or Skype to highlight the unique value proposition of your event.


Adding a timer on the website that will count down the seconds till the event will help build the tension and keep the attention high among the attendees.


Having a chat window on your event page will encourage visitors to engage with the website. The chat window will help handle enquiries, requests and grievances as well as provide customer support.


Chat functionality can be very resource-intensive, so if you don’t have the resources available for a chat window, you can instead add an FAQ section on the site. The FAQ segment will help address questions about the event that planners are most likely to ask. Make sure you include questions with seemingly obvious answers, as it will clear any doubts in the minds of prospective attendees about the event. Don’t forget to include a call-to-action button on the page as well, as it will help boost event attendance.

Incorporate all the above event landing page best practices to create a compelling event website. Check out these templates to create your own ideal event website.

Amrutha Sarayu

Amrutha Sarayu

Amrutha is a content writer and marketer at Cvent. She mainly writes about the meetings and events industry, with a special focus on technology that is designed for making the lives of planners easier.

When not writing, she can be found taking part in reading challenges or watching food videos on YouTube. 

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