August 20, 2019
By Cvent Guest

It’s every hospitality marketing professional’s goal to stand out among the noise, and be the brand that rises to the top, sticks in peoples’ memories and creates an emotional response that drives a purchase. However, despite the best efforts of DMO Internet marketing teams to deliver that impact with “unique messaging,” their message strategies can sometimes leave much to be desired. 

“Billions are wasted every year in destination marketing because the message is mundane, overused, and just like everyone else,” said Roger Brooks, a famed travel industry expert, board member of the U.S. Travel Association and author of Your Town: A Destination – The 25 Immutable Rules of Successful Tourism.

When marketing DMOs online, and creating a message strategy for destinations that is both evocative and impactful, Brooks urges his clients to memorize three words – Jettison The Generic.

“If your message can fit anyone, toss it and start over,” Brooks said.

Brooks compiled these overly used, lackluster and commonplace 40 words and phrases to avoid in your message strategy for destinations:

  • Explore
  • Unlike anywhere else
  • So much to see and do
  • Where the seasons come to life
  • Historic downtown
  • Center of it all (have you ever gone anywhere because it was the center of anything?)
  • Something for everyone (have you ever gone anywhere because they had something for everyone?)
  • The perfect getaway (or place)
  • The place for families
  • Start your vacation here
  • Recreational paradise
  • Take a look!
  • Outdoor recreation (name a place that doesn’t have this)
  • Your playground
  • So much history
  • So much to offer
  • The place for all ages
  • Best kept secret
  • We have it all
  • Experience…
  • Visit (name of destination)
  • Beauty and heritage
  • Gateway (a gateway is something you pass through to go somewhere else)
  • Close to it all
  • Right around the corner
  • Discover
  • Unique (so overused it’s come to mean “just like everyone else”)
  • Four season destination
  • Fun for the whole family
  • Naturally fun (anything with the word “natural” in it)
  • … and so much more
  • Home away from home
  • A slice of heaven
  • It’s all right here
  • Recreation unlimited
  • A great place to live, work and play (the most overused slogan in the world)
  • Location, location, location
  • Open for business
  • Your adventure place (anything with the word adventure in it)
  • Unique shops & restaurants

UP NEXT: 5 destination marketing tips for selling experiences

Your message strategy for destinations is only the beginning

Cvent Guest

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