August 20, 2019
By Cvent Guest

What is the first thing you do before booking a hotel? If you’re like me, I always go to TripAdvisor to see how other travelers rate the hotel. Cleanliness is my big thing, so if there’s negative reviews about the cleanliness of the hotel in general, I’m onto my next hotel to research. Online reviews are so critical in today’s age and the more reviews (good or bad) the better because it helps to make a booking decision that much easier.

According to a study conducted by PhoCus Wright, more than half of global respondents do not want to make a booking commitment until they read reviews and find out what other travelers thought about the property. In fact, more than 80% say that TripAdvisor reviews help them feel more confident in their travel decisions, and help them to have a better trip.

Hotel’s should ensure that they’re getting an adequate amount of (positive) reviews on TripAdvisor in order to ensure more bookings and repeat visitors. Reviews can make or break a hotel, so volume and high ratings are invaluable.

How do hotel’s know how guests will rank them though? Well, hopefully they have some type of feedback program in place and they are continuously collecting feedback from their guests and addressing any issues, concerns, etc. And with the positive feedback they collect, hopefully they continue to listen to what guests are pleased with and continue along that path.

One of my favorite functionalities of Inquisium is our TripAdvisor integration which can prompt only guests that give positive feedback to write a review on TripAdvisor upon completion of a satisfaction survey. This is critical because more often than not, people are compelled by their bad experiences to post negative comments—meanwhile positive experiences go under-reported. With a TripAdvisor integration with Cvent's Inquisium, you can give satisfied guests the reminder they need to recommend you and boost your brand image. They key is also not telling guests that they will be directed to a TripAdvisor page because you don’t want to introduce bias into your survey.

Want to learn more about our TripAdvisor integration? Sign up for a demo today.

Written by the Inquisium Staff

Cvent Guest

Cvent is a market-leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider with more than 4,000 employees, ~21,000 customers, and 200,000 users worldwide.

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