December 18, 2019
By Madison Howard

It’s that time of year – time to look back and review some of our greatest hits. We pulled together a list of our most popular blogs to show you what others in the meetings and events industry wanted to learn about this year. Based on our most viewed blogs, 2019 was a year of event tech, attendee engagement, and event marketing. It was a year of overworked planners looking for ways to get more done, improve upon past events, and deliver data-driven results. Take a look at our best blogs of 2019.  

Event Marketing Plan Template

If you want attendees, you have to promote your event. Your event deserves to have a killer promotion plan. But it’s not always easy to know where to start. Your marketing plan should begin right when event planning begins. The two go hand in hand. After all, without a great promotion strategy, no one will know about your event. So, how do you do it? We’ve created a basic event marketing plan template below to help you get started. Fill it out to create the best marketing plan yet! 

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Event Planning Guide

In this guide, we talk through a basic event planning template, what it means to be a planner, and how event management software can simplify your processes.

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Day in the Life of an Event Planner

Event planning is one of the rare jobs where no two days are the same. Each event an event planner organizes can be vastly different. That's what makes event planning one of the world’s most stressful jobs. But this got us thinking, how could we best describe a ‘typical’ day in an event planner’s life… if there were no typical days?

We conducted a survey specifically for event planners to try to get a look into their busy lives. The findings were very interesting. Get an exclusive look at an event planner’s world along with some other fun industry facts.

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What is Event Management

Event planning goes by many different names. Some event planners are called administrative assistants, some are called event coordinators, and others are called event managers. What do all of these titles have in common? The individuals have some hand in planning an event. Whether the events are internal or external, large or small, they all have to be planned.

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Event Tech Trends 2019

While some trends change over time (virtual reality for one), it’s always surprising how many of trends stay the same, evolving over the years in sometimes very subtle ways. When it comes to technology, the biggest difference in trends is accessibility. As event technology continues to develop and be refined, it becomes easier to implement, making accessibility better than ever. Review the top trends of 2019.

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Automating Event Management Tasks from A to Z

The Invisible Workload is the work you do for your organization that goes completely unnoticed. The endless list of tasks that would draw attention only if they didn’t happen. The stress you manage, the chaos you endure, the mental weight of it all. From event budgeting and venue sourcing, to post event-reporting—and everything in-between. It’s often a physical and mental drain. Automating event management tasks can lessen that stress – we’ll show you how.

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Event Planning Basics: Writing the Perfect RFP

It may seem like a relatively easy task with the onset of electronic or eRFPs. But it can actually create confusion, clutter, and competitiveness among the hospitality sector if the RFP is not written clearly and the target venues are not adequately defined. So let’s reel the tape back to the beginning. Reviewing what RFPs are, why you should write one, and the core elements you need to garner great responses.

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Event Proposal Guide

When looking for a company to plan an event, organizations often release a Request for Proposals (RFP). An RFP could almost be thought of as a job listing. It gives a brief overview of the job, or event and includes the requirements needed to submit. Event planners need to get great at creating proposals that will win business. Luckily, by following a few simple guidelines, you can cut down the time it takes to create proposals. With the right strategy, you can create a proposal that organizations will respond to.

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3 Ways to Reduce Your Invisible Workload

Event professionals are dragged down with endless lists of tasks that would only draw attention if they didn’t happen. The stress, turmoil, and mental weight that event pros must endure goes completely unnoticed and is shoved away behind-the-scenes. It's these manual processes, these Invisible Workloads, that keep event planners from being more strategic, impactful, and, most importantly, well-rested. Discover 3 ways to reduce your invisible workload.

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What’s Hot: Sizzling Event Trends 2019

When it comes to your events, you have to find the perfect venue. After all, the event venue can be one of the reasons attendees choose to register for your event. From unique locations, to cool spaces, 2019 brings new venue trends. When picking a venue, there’s a never-ending list of logistical and budgetary concerns to think about.  Often, your budget is the largest influencer of venue. Sometimes, you can make the case for a more expensive venue based on benefits and opportunity for more attendees. After all, the venue is a major selling point for attendees. In this blog, we’ll uncover some of the hottest event trends for 2019.

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Madison Layman

Madison Howard

A graduate of the College of William and Mary, my passion for writing began before I could read, with a nightly verbal diary dictation transcribed by my obliging parents.

When I'm not writing, you can find me binge-watching TV shows, baking elaborate desserts, and memorizing pop culture facts.

How Accessible is Your Event to Attendees with Disabilities?
How Accessible is Your Event to Attendees with Disabilities?
How accessible is your event?
Answer 12 questions & then calculate your score to determine your rating

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