Your event is a reality. It’s time to start kicking your event marketing into high gear. An email marketing campaign is an effective and inexpensive tool that can increase interest, drive registrations, and share information. It’s hardly a one-and-done endeavor--it's an actual campaign, and you’ll need a clear plan to execute to the best of your abilities. So, what types of emails do you need to send? What types haven’t you considered? The goal is never to inundate interested individuals or attendees but provide information that they want. Here are eleven types of emails to send before your event.
11 Types of Emails To Send Before Your Event
Generate Interest and Promote
This email is sent early on. Generally, it has a hook or is fairly creative. You want it to grab the attention of those who receive it so that they are moved to go and look at the event website.Discounts
Don’t have the number of attendees you hoped? Send a discount! Start a flash sale or offer twenty percent off of registration. Everyone loves a good discount and byRegistration Confirmation
While this email should be automatic, triggered by a registration, make sure it exists. It’s important to send confirmation so attendees know that their registration went through. You can use this email to promote an exciting announcement or direct them to the mobile event app.Agenda Live Announcement
Most likely, you won’t have your agenda set when you create your website and begin to promote your event. This is a great email to send to registrants and prospects.Keynote and Speaker Announcements
These are used for promotion and to inform registrants. A great speaker can convince a prospect to attend your event.Room Block/Housing Information
This email falls under key information. Attending an event is stressful for attendees and one of their major stressors is figuring out how to get to the event and where they’ll be staying.Download the Mobile Event App
This doesn’t necessarily require it’s own email, but your mobile event app should be promoted before the event. This can be a secondary CTA on a larger email.Contest Promotion
If you’re running a contest of some kind, promote it! This can be an email on its own or lumped into another announcement.Sponsorship Information
You can send a promotional email to drum up sponsorships with a list of options and benefits. For those who have booths at your event or are sponsoring some aspect of the event, send them an email with the information they need to know.Segmented Information
Build segments based on attendee interest and send information pertaining to the different segments. These emails can promote networking sessions, speakers, or need to know information.Know Before You Go
This email provides key information like recommendations for what to pack, directions, weather information, and more. It covers where to go for registration and when it opens. This email would be sent a week or two before the event.Tips and Tricks
- Use first names in the subject line and greeting.
- Keep the email succinct with a clear call-to-action (CTA).
- No more than 2 CTA’s in one email.
- Use an engaging subject line.
- Use preview text as an extension of your subject line.
- Always give the option to unsubscribe.
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Event Experience