Often in adult life, recognition for our achievements is harder to find. We don’t get to take home an honor roll report card for performing our daily tasks or a "You Made It to Work on Time Every Day This Week" plaque. This makes those documented accomplishments we do receive even more significant.
Continuing Education Credit
In the events industry if you’re hosting sessions that offer educational content, then you may be awarding Continuing Education Units (CEU) or Continuing Education Credits (CEC). Being able to boast that your attendees will walk away with the value of documented CEUs/CECs can be a huge drive for registration and a way to demonstrate your event’s value in your industry.Managing Your Credit System
If you’re looking for a centralized way to manage your credit system, then the entire process of capturing session attendance, awarding credits, and sending certificates can be automated through Cvent. Within sessions, you can delineate the credit value someone will earn for attending that session and an expiration date, if applicable. Receiving credits can be tied to whether someone attended the session, which you can capture by marking session attendance in the premium version of the Cvent OnArrival app.Send Them A Certificate
Once attendees are granted their credits in the system, the next piece is to send them a certificate to print and hang in their office, file in an obscure email folder, or maybe put up on the fridge with magnets to celebrate the accomplishment. Using Cvent’s Badges & Certificates designer, you can use Data Tags to populate certificates with personalized informationCMP Credits at Cvent CONNECT
At Cvent, we make use of our credit module at Cvent CONNECT by offering CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) credits for certain sessions for event and hospitality professionals. Stay tuned for information on how to earn Continuing Education Credits at Cvent CONNECT 2019 this summer in Las Vegas! Finally, if you’re looking for detailed steps for how to configure credits for your events, check out the Cvent Community article Using Continuing Education Credits. Some of the links above are to the Cvent Community, a go-to resource for step-by-step help articles & tutorials, user forums, 24×7 support, and more. Visit the Cvent Customer Success Center to learn more. This post was authored by Emma Grimsdale, Client Success Consultant at Cvent. Emma is very indoorsy. She loves to be inside—watching TV, reading, resting, you name it! She also loves to shop for discontinued seasonal candles on eBay. Emma is constantly learning new things about the Cvent because of the different ways she sees her clients using the software for their events, and loves the creativity that’s possible with the platform.