July 31, 2024
By John Hunter

You hosted an excellent webinar. You know it. Attendees were engaged, the session ended on time, and there were no technical glitches.  

But how do you prove your success to your stakeholders? How do you tell them that your webinar resonated with your audience? Every webinar checklist should include a post-webinar analysis, which is an excellent way to measure your event's success. But that takes time. 

Sometimes the best way to know how you did is by asking. Sending a post-webinar survey can help you gauge the pulse of your audience, improve your future events, and keep attendees coming back. 

Here are some of the post-webinar survey questions you must include as part of your follow-ups. 

You can ask several questions to gain further insights into your event and understand your audience's interest. But remember that short surveys—those that take a minute or two to complete—usually generate more responses than longer ones. Therefore, as part of your best webinar practices, it's best not to include all these questions. Mix and match to seek the most crucial information you need from your attendees. 

Webinar surveys

Post-Webinar Survey Question: Multiple Choice Question

1. How would you rate the speakers:  

a) Topic knowledge:

Options: Excellent, Good, Average, Poor. 

b) Presentation skills:

Options: Excellent, Good, Average, Poor. 

These speaker-related questions are essential to ask as they let you know if your speaker was clear, informative, and to the point

2. How would you rate the content of the slides?

Options: Excellent, Good, Average, Poor. 

This question is vital to help you draft content that resonates with your audience. 

3. How did the webinar compare to your expectations?

Options: Excellent, Good, Average, Poor. 

This question is important to ask as it gives the attendees a chance to tell you more about their expectations so you can learn more from them. 

4. How would you rate the overall session?

Options: Excellent, Good, Average, Poor. 

This post-webinar survey question will help you know how you did. 

5. How likely will you recommend the webinar to your peers or colleagues, with 1 being the most unlike and 10 most likely?

Options: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.  

Attendees who are satisfied with your webinar will recommend it to others.  

6. Will you attend our future webinars? 

Options: Yes, No, Maybe. 

If the majority answers a yes, you can pat yourself on the back for a job well done. 

7. How was your overall experience?

Options: Excellent, Good, Average, Poor. 

Open ended webinar survey questions

Open-Ended Post-Webinar Survey Questions 

1. How can we make the webinar better? 

Asking this question will help you identify ways to improve your future sessions. 

2. What was your single biggest takeaway?

The answer to this question will confirm you are concentrating on the right topic and identify any modification you might want to make to the content of your webinar. 

3. How were the length and pace of the webinar? Was it too slow/long, perfect, or short/fast? 

Questions on the length and pace of your live webinar indicate how you should adjust the delivery of your session to make it more engaging and relevant. 

4. What are the topics you’d like us to cover next? 

This question is a great way to crowdsource topics and aligns your content calendar to the real needs of your target audience. 

5. Why did you attend the webinar? OR What was your main reason to attend the webinar? 

This might not be a popular question on most surveys, but it helps determine what motivates your audience to attend your webinar. 

6. Have you attended our previous webinar? If yes, please specify. 

This post-webinar survey question helps you analyze how well you attract new and repeat participants to your program. 

7. How was the webinar technology

This will help you understand if your attendees were comfortable using the webinar platform you selected for your program.  

8. Tell us more about your favorite and least favorite moment from the program? 

This question will give you insights into your company's strengths and weaknesses.  

9. What time of day works best for you? 

Yes, countless studies suggest the best time and day to host webinars, but asking this question gives you actual scheduling information from your attendees.  

Types of Webinar Surveys

The questions you ask in your webinar surveys will largely depend on the goal of your webinar and your marketing strategy. Below are just a few types of webinar surveys you might use to gain insight into your attendees' needs and experiences.

Pre-Webinar Survey

Before your webinar even begins, you can begin surveying those who have registered for an upcoming webinar or those whom you'd like to attract to future webinars. A pre-webinar survey allows you to collect prospective attendees' input regarding their expectations, topics they'd like you to cover, questions they'd like answered, and anything else they'd like you to address during your webinar.

Post-Webinar Feedback Survey

After your webinar wraps, you'll want to know how well it was received, right? What did your attendees think of your content and speakers? Was their overall experience positive? Was there anything they wish you had covered that you didn't? These types of post-webinar survey questions allow you to gauge attendees' satisfaction with your webinar.

Technical Experience Survey

It goes without saying that you want reliable webinar software that delivers high-quality, engaging webinars, and your attendees expect that you'll deliver. A technical experience survey can help you track your webinar performance and flag any technical issues to address next time. It can also give you a chance to follow up with attendees who had a poor connection or other technical issues and provide them with a recording or additional materials to make sure their time was well-spent, despite their tech challenges.

Topic Suggestion Survey

Useful before or after a webinar, topic suggestion surveys are a great way to learn what your attendees are interested in and what topics would attract them to future webinars. Not only does this help ensure you're producing content your attendees care about, but it also shows attendees that you're listening to their needs and reacting.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

If you're hosting a webinar intended for customers, this is a great opportunity to gather their feedback using a customer satisfaction survey. Have a new product that's being used by your attendees? Find out how they're liking it and what they might like to change. Want to know about your customer service experience? Your customers are the perfect people to ask!

Buying Intention Product Survey

Launching a new product is exciting and challenging, and you'll need to leverage every marketing opportunity available—including webinar surveys! A buying intention product survey is a great way to promote a product and take the pulse of prospective customers. Using the insights you gather, you can move respondents down the marketing funnel and into your sales pipeline as you would any other sales lead.

Industry Pulse Survey

When hosting a webinar for professionals in your industry or customers who depend on your products or services, you have the opportunity to take an industry pulse survey to learn what's trending in your industry, what pain points are common to many customers, and what professionals in your target industry want to see more of in future events.

Why Send Post-Webinar Surveys?

Asking your audience what they want to hear from you is one of the easiest ways to pique their interest and keep them coming back. Post-webinar surveys are more than just another way to execute another popular marketing tactic. 

On the contrary, it shows that you care about your participants' opinions and experiences. Moreover, studies suggest that 81% of marketers use Q&A as a part of their webinar strategy. 

So, to fulfill your target audience's expectations, be proactive in asking questions—whether before, during, or after the webinar. 

Top Four Webinar Survey Tips

Top 4 Tips to Design Successful Webinar Surveys

Using your webinar technology management platform to create the post-webinar survey is the easiest way to get and track responses. If this feature isn't available, you can use platforms like Google Forms or Survey Monkey to share and track your survey results. 

For maximum answers, create surveys as painless and simple as possible. To do that, keep the following points in mind:  

  • Start with simple questions – ask multiple-option questions or questions that can be answered with a single click, such as true/false.
  • Keep the survey brief – the longer the survey, the less thoughtful the answers might be. In worst cases, it may deter respondents and result in low responses. 
  • Limit answer choices – too many decisions can complicate things.
  • One question at a time – Don't mix two questions. It may confuse the respondent, and you may not get answers to both questions. 

How Would You Rate Your Overall Experience?

Hosting a great webinar is only half the job done. Knowing how the session went is equally important. Therefore, don't put your registrants to sleep. Use their feedback to deliver future webinars that are engaging and intriguing. 

Our curated list of the most critical post-webinar survey questions will help you get started. Choose the questions that matter the most and get accurate grades on your webinar report card. Over to you now!


John Hunter

John Hunter

John is the Senior Manager of Event Cloud Content Marketing at Cvent. He has 11 years of experience writing about the meetings and events industry. John also has extensive copywriting experience across diverse industries, including broadcast television, retail advertising, associations, higher education, and corporate PR.

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