June 12, 2020
By Cvent

We’ve gathered the recent Cvent Conference product updates below into a brief summary to make it easy for you to see what’s new that launched last month.

Recently Released

Ad hoc reporting improvements

Conference ad hoc reporting now supports pagination, which makes working with large reports much easier. All report columns are now "sortable" by default. Also, the default export format is now .xlsx so large reports can be exported without the former limitation on the number of rows.

  • When to use:  Enhancements will be available on all existing or newly created reports.
  • Who would use:  Anyone working with ad hoc reporting tools.
ad hoc reporting screen shot
ad hoc reporting 2 screen shot


Session Group support in List View scheduler

Events using Session Groups as a way to help with scheduling can now use the List View scheduler, in addition to the Session Grid view. This enhancement provides a more efficient workflow when scheduling large numbers of event sessions or session groups across several days. This works seamlessly with the Grid View, so you can switch between views as needed to get your event schedule created or updated easily.

  • When to use:  For any event that runs “symposium” style sessions, where many short presentations are presented back-to-back as a single session experience.
  • Who would use:  Planners who want to schedule a group of sessions together should use the Session Group feature.


New My Portal widgets

My Portal now supports new widgets for the Call for Papers and Nomination modules. The Connect & Schedule widgets also fully support Connect v2.

  • When to use:  The My Portal page gives attendees a central location to navigate between Conference modules, and only displays the widgets that are applicable to that attendee.
  • Who would use:  Any event with users that have multiple roles at the event, or any event trying to encourage users to engage further in the event can use the My Portal feature.
my portal screen shot


What’s upcoming?

Here are a few items our development team is working on that will be launching soon.

  • Exhibitor Management updates – Improvements to the Add/Delete Registrants task and a simplification to the apply-to-exhibit workflow are coming. More keywords will be available to use for exhibitor emails.
  • Current Invoice Summary report – This new report will show the current state of all attendee invoices in a simple, easy to read report and will complement the existing Global Invoice Summary.
  • Connect v2 updates – Session and Exhibitor files will be visible to attendees in Connect v2.

For questions or more details, please contact Michael Sorensen, Principle Product Manager, michael.sorensen@cvent.com or Joe Meehan, Client Delivery Director, jmeehan@cvent.com.



This post was authored Michael Sorensen, Principle Product Manager for Cvent Conference. When he isn’t at work you can find him reading, playing guitar, or watching movies.



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